Bought and Paid For Republicans Kill Medical Freedom Bill in Wyoming
Yet again, another story shows both the Republicans and Democrats are just two corrupt crime families
The Wyoming House of Representatives, a body consisting of 57 Republicans and 5 Democrats, has whored itself out to its Big Pharma masters.
A bill, House Bill 66, was killed on Monday with 32 votes against, 29 for. The bill, which I wrote about previously, was sponsored by freshman lawmaker State Rep. Jeanette Ward (R-WY57).
Ward put forth the legislation to protect medical liberty in her state, but it was her colleagues in her own party who cared more about protecting the fascist Big Government-Big Corporation system then defending personal liberty.
The bill would have banned mask and jab mandates, prohibiting both government and businesses from violating individual liberty. It previously passed out of committee by a slim 5-4 vote after being watered down by removing criminal penalties for violating the law as well as removing language that would apply to all vaccines, not just the experimental gene therapy covid shots.
Helping to defeat the bill was Rep. Barry Crago (R-WY40) who brought an amendment that was described as a “poison pill” by supporters of HB66. Crago is a good friend of the fascist Big Government-Big Pharma medical establishment having received $500 from the Wyoming Hospital Association (WHA) and $1,000 from Wyoming Medical PAC (WyoPAC) in the last election cycle.
I reached out to Ward, via email, who described the “poison pill” amendment:
“The poison pill was an $847M appropriation in case the Federal government refused to reimburse WY Medicare or Medicaid payments for noncompliance with scamdemic mandates, which is really rich, since even the Biden administration just announced an end to the scamdemic emergency.”
I will note, the Biden regime did announce the “declaration of a state of emergency,” first brought by the Trump regime in March of 2020, will end on May 11. This is after the Biden regime extended that “emergency.”
David Knight recently described that “emergency” order which he said “unleashed all kinds of money as well as power” for the medical tyranny. He said:
“You have to pay everybody off. You’ve got to pay off all the Democrat and Republican governors to do this stuff, and they were paid of handsomely. And you have to pay off all of the hospitals, and so forth, all of these partners in crime….”
“This whole thing has been garbage from the very beginning. I’m just done with this stuff. The pandemic is a lie. Every aspect of it is a lie. There’s nothing medical, no healthcare issues involved in this.”
Like Knight, I don’t believe Biden will lift the order. Like Trump, he and other tyrants around the world have lied repeatedly that they would end their immoral orders. And I can guarantee, most state politicians will demand it continues for the loads of stolen tax dollars coming their way. And the Wyoming Republicans are proof positive of that.
Including with Crago, 20 Republicans who voted against medical freedom and individual liberty were bought off by Pfizer as well as WHA and WyoPAC, according to data from Stat News and Wyoming’s campaign finance website.
The Big Pharma Whore Republicans include Reps. Lane Allred (WY21/$500 WHA, $1,000 WyoPAC), Ryan Berger (WY49/$500 WyoPAC), Landon Brown (WY9/$500 WHA, $500 WyoPAC, $400 Pfizer), Forrest Chadwick (WY62/$500 WHA), John Eklund (WY10/$150 Pfizer), Steve Harshman (WY37/$500 WHA), Bill Henderson (WY41/$150 Pfizer), Lloyd Larson (WY54/$500 WHA, $200 Pfizer), Tony Niemiec (WY1/$500 WHA, $1,000 WyoPAC), Sandy Newsome (WY24/$500 WHA, $1,500 WyoPAC, $200 Pfizer), Bob Nicholas (WY7/$500 WHA), David Northrup (WY25/$500 WHA), Jared Olsen (WY11/$200 Pfizer), Albert Sommers (WY20/$1,000 WyoPAC), Tom Walters (WY38/$200 Pfizer), Art Washut (WY36/$500 WHA), Cyrus Western (WY51/$400 Pfizer), Dan Zwonitzer (WY43/$500 WHA, $500 WyoPAC, $400 Pfizer) and Dave Zwonitzer (WY8/$500 WHA).
Ward told me that with HB66 failing to pass the House, protecting medical freedom of personal liberty in this fashion cannot happen this session. However, Ward said:
“It is too late to bring anything else to the WY House this year. The time for submitting new bills has passed. However, I had earlier drafted HB00143, which will hopefully be heard in the Labor/Health/Social Services Committee on Friday. HB143 nullifies all CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) mandates in WY and declares that they may not be used to justify unconstitutional mandates.”
That bill did pass out of committee yesterday by a 5-4 vote.
On her message to constituents with HB66 being voted down, Ward said: “REFUSE TO COMPLY and I will help you in any way I can.”
Worthless Wyoming Republicans
Speaking of not complying, the State of Wyoming has seen what that looks like in Grace Smith, the Laramie High School student who was arrested at 16 years old in 2021 because of the immoral, unconstitutional mask mandates put on by her school’s tyrannical administration.
That incident led to the crafting of the Grace Smith Freedom Act that the few legislators committed to liberty had hoped to pass during a special session. But, like HB66, the Republican leadership would not allow liberty to win failing to pass that bill.
Even after the thug brownshirt cops who followed the orders of the government school tyrants, the Board of Education in Albany County School District 1 doubled down to keep the mask mandate in place at an Oct. 13 board meeting. Smith gave public comments at that meeting announcing she was withdrawing from the school district.
Just to give you a taste of what happened, here’s videos from September, 2021 when Smith was first suspended for not wearing a cloth over her face and cops there to protect the tyrants:
Then in October, 2021, Smith was arrested:
Later that month, Smith did what every parent should do with their kids, removed herself from the godless government school system:
Seriously, I’m positive every single legislator in the Wyoming House knows of Smith story and has likely seen those videos, Still, they voted to allow this insanity to continue. The Republicans who voted against HB66 show that it is a worthless, weak and corrupt party. And that’s putting it mildly.
Welcome to the Fascist States of America
Here’s the video from Monday’s WY House Floor Session when HB66 was voted down. The discussion on the bill begins around the 34-minute mark.
Crago, the Big Pharma whore who introduced the “poison pill” amendment, said:
“If this bill passes and we end up on the wrong side of an argument with the federal agency that provides this funding back to the state, that money will disappear. And the hospitals back home will be, struggling isn’t the right word, dying is the word I would have to use to describe the hospitals back home.”
Dan Zwonitzer said:
“You’re talking about your hospitals and your nursing homes if you want to play this game of chicken. And I will submit to you, you can’t afford to do this because they can’t afford to operate in 80 percent of hospitals in this state.”
Listen to that. They are saying the hospitals are completely reliant on the theft of the American taxpayers to funnel to them. And if you oppose the theft of American taxpayers to fund the Medical Industrial Complex, people will die. That’s their message.
It’s time to wake up and understand that we live in a fascist system. Republicans, who love to claim they oppose government run healthcare, are sitting there protecting the fascist system. They oppose free markets. They oppose liberty. They are arrogant, narcissists who want you dependent on them.
Let’s talk about the covid shots. The recent data from Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), maintained by the CDC, shows 33,965 deaths reported by the covid jabs as of Jan. 27. The CDC itself has admitted an undercount in VAERS by a factor of at least 6.5X while the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation has independently found the undercount being a factor of about 41X. That puts the likely number of deaths by COVID jabs somewhere between 220,773 and 1,392,565.
Let’s talk about the Big Pharma-Big Government collusion and theft of the American taxpayers. Jordan Schachtel wrote:
“Pfizer colluded with the federal government to siphon off $100 billion dollars from the American taxpayer last year, in filings announced Tuesday by the drugmaker. $31 billion of that massive haul amounted to pure profit, which was up 43% from 2021.”
Yeah, some of that ill-gotten gain found it’s way to the Wyoming Legislature.
Let’s talk about the mark of the sheep, or face masks. Steve Kirsch wrote on the latest study showing not a single piece of evidence supporting the use of masks to combat a cold virus.
This corruption is deep and has been in place for decades. As I recently reported, Big Pharma was given legal immunity from the death and destruction their products cause in the 1980s.
Brian Shilhavy wrote for Vaccine Impact about “how infant deaths due to the heavy CDC infant vaccination schedule have been covered up for decades now.” He included a piece by Marc Girardot:
“In 1979, the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. redesigned the ICD coding list - International Classification of Diseases - and erased the possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination! You heard me. A coroner had no longer a clear code to input if he/she believed someone died of a vaccine. [vaccines are not therapeutic, they are prophylactic. And the poisoning carries legal implications which coroners probably would never venture into.] Have Big Brothers W.H.O. and CDC been “guiding” coroners to mischaracterise vaccination deaths ? In any case, this suppression means that “Informed Consent” has been corrupt for decades as the extent of vaccine harm necessarily was downplayed considerably.”
I’ve written about SIDS and SADS, and the coverup going on to never look at vaccines as a cause for death or injury. The CDC reports there are 3,400 annual sudden unexpected infant deaths, and they will not allow vaccines to ever be considered as the cause.
Each year, there are about 3,400 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States. These deaths occur among infants less than 1 year old and have no immediately obvious cause.
As I wrote recently, there will be this belief among conservatives that people should be free to take the shot if they want to and give it to their kids if they want to. Give me a free market system (which is emphatically what I want) where Big Pharma receives ABSOLUTELY NO TAXPAYER FUNDING, where the government has ABSOLUTELY NO COLLUSSION with Big Pharma and where Big Pharma ABSOLUTELY FACES LIABILITY when their products harm people.
Since we do not have that, I demand the covid shots be removed from the market completely. I have been forced, without my consent, to have my taxes fund the creation of a bioweapon rolled out by the U.S. military. In fact, the U.S. military was involved with the rollout in foreign nations as well. I did not want my money stolen from me for this. I never supported it. I do not want blood on my hands. The jabs need to be pulled from the market once and for all.
I also will never support “vaccine” mandates, mask mandates, etc.
Anyone can believe whatever they want on the safety and effectiveness of the shots, of masks and more. That doesn’t matter to this point. In a free society, you never have authority to ever mandate someone inject themselves with something they don’t want, period. The government has absolutely no authority to fund, produce, mandate or do anything with regards to vaccines, medicine or healthcare in general.
But here we are, the Fascist States of America. Wake up, and start fighting back with the understanding that this is not the land of the free, home of the brave any more. We need to make it that again and break away from the chains of fascism.
Keep at the reporting. No one else is doing much, if any. The people are asleep.
Thank you for exposing the corruption in a state that should know better.