Chaos Reigns as the People are Ruled by Emotion
Drop the emotion and blood lust and ignore the propaganda
The above photo is from Brian Shilhavy and Vaccine Impact. I encourage people to read it.
There are a lot of lies and war propaganda being permeated right now. The mainstream narrative media doesn’t want you to know that people of differing backgrounds can get along, can actually be friends. That may be the biggest lie being spread.
By the way, I’m not coming from some leftist kumbaya, coexist nonsense position where the left is trying to tell us we must accept all beliefs.
I’m coming from a Christian perspective in which Jesus (Luke 6:27) tells us to love even our enemies. I also understand that true love warns, and Jesus is the only way (John 14:6). Therefore, it is incumbent on Christians to have courage to disagree with the nonbeliever and warn them of the wrath of God if they do not repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
With that said, I want to write a brief bit about the ongoing chaos that we all know is going on in the Middle East.
I have gone through a lot of information regarding Israel and Palestine over the last week. Just researching has been very time consuming and making it hard to even focus on other topics that I was hoping to write about.
I want to encourage people to please drop your emotionalism. People’s emotions are at extremely high levels. And most of the people spouting off about what’s going on in Israel and Palestine have never been there, don’t know anybody there and have no idea the history and ongoing chaos that has been going on there for decades. Yet, they think they know exactly what’s going on and feel morally justified to call for blood. And that’s regardless of which side they are taking.
I want to also encourage people to seek out objective sources who are seeking the truth, not looking to push a narrative to further an agenda. Those who seek the truth aren’t always right, but they are looking for the truth. Those pushing narratives to further an agenda are willing to outright lie because the ends justify the means in their minds. I don’t necessarily agree with every position of the sources I’ve been reading and watching, but I believe they are providing good information.
Also, look for reasonable sources from the other side of the conflict if you’ve taken one side over the other. If you’re pro-Israel, seek out pro-Palestinian sources that are trying to explain their plight, not perpetrating hate against Israel. If you’re pro-Palestine, look for pro-Israeli sources that are explaining their side, but not calling all Palestinians “animals.”
My take on it is this, there are no good guys on either side of the warring factions. Both sides have committed atrocities. And this has been ongoing for a long, long time. Meanwhile, there are civilians on both sides being killed. It’s the people who are being harmed while madmen on both sides seek carnage. The latest numbers I’ve seen, there are 1,500 Palestinians dead and 1,200 Israelis. At it includes women and children for both.
If you can only see the death and carnage as horrifying from one side and ignore or condone it on the other, you are too emotional and need to step away. The blood lust needs to stop. You are playing into the globalist agenda.
I will note, I’m coming from a place where I understand very little about what’s going on. I’m willing to say that. Other Americans who are blood thirsty right now, are they willing to admit they don’t know everything?
With that said, there are serious questions about the initial attack last week by Hamas. All the evidence suggests it’s a false flag. It’s beyond belief an attack such as that could occur considering the absolute Orwellian, spy state and police state apparatus that has been built up in Israel. And did you know that Israelis have been on the verge of civil war for some time now thank to the absolutely corrupt Benjamin Netanyahu? And a vast majority of Israelis blame Netanyahu for the attack.
However, if you continue living in a heightened emotional state, if you continue to fall for the narrative that is being pushed, you’ll never question things.
Ultimately, I believe this is just a new war front for the globalists plans to take us into World War III. They want us divided. They don’t want peace. They profit on war. They don’t want you to see photos like that at the top of this piece.
And that gets me to my principled stand on all of this. I take the side of our Founding Fathers.
“America... goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.”—John Quincy Adams
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none.”—Thomas Jefferson
“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”—George Washington
Like Russia-Ukraine, this is not our fight. And, I oppose all foreign aid to all nations. It is theft. It is immoral. It is wrong.
I’ll note, there are probably many I could make this argument to over a week ago who would agree completely as they think of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but now that Israel is involved those same people will angrily oppose it and be ready to make false accusations against principled people. That’s what happens when you’re ruled by emotion.
The reason there is so much chaos in the world is America’s arrogant foreign policy and that of the West. Our meddling in the affairs of others create hostility and creates chaos. And I believe it is all by design. And we have a uniparty stealing our money to fund this chaos. And we’re often being forced to fund both sides of every fight.
“There are many reasons why politicians jump at the decision to defend Israel but seem not to care about the problem of mass immigration into the United States. But reflexive support for Israel is as much of a luxury belief as blind support for Ukraine. Like their counterparts on the cultural left, the Israel lobby understands you have to cultivate elites to get your preferred policies enacted. I know some people think it anti-Semitic to question the influence of Israel on the United States, but I don’t think it is. The Israelis are only doing what they believe is necessary to protect their own people. No one should fault them for that.
No, the fault lies with financial, social, and political elites who think the only way they can maintain their status is to “identify” with a country far away rather than their own. One need not sympathize with Hamas or indulge in moral equivalence to notice that the State of Israel is not governed by angels and that its treatment of Arab Christians and Palestinians is sometimes quite awful. There is no unqualified moral reason for the United States to intervene in this conflict, and to think otherwise is madness. And there is absolutely no vital national interest that could justify doing so.”
On foreign aid, Laurence Vance writes:
“All foreign aid spending should be blocked with no contingencies. Every member of Congress in favor of foreign-aid spending should have to answer to the American people why he supports taking money from them and giving it away to foreigners and their governments when many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have a hard time paying their rent on time.
Not one dime from the U.S. treasury should be given or loaned to any government, NGO, or individual in any other country. Any American who wants to help another country with disaster relief, economic development, or defense should reach into his own pocket. All foreign aid should be individual, private, and voluntary.”
Although I don’t believe this is our fight and it should not involve us, I do want to see the death and carnage end on both sides. Oddly enough, those who want to see a peaceful resolution, those who don’t have a blood lust, are the ones most roundly criticized. What a shame.
I’ll conclude with a piece from Gary Barnett.
The So-Called ‘Alternative’ Media Is Being Taken Over by Imposters, While the World Goes Insane
October 12, 2023
“It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”
~ Noël Coward
Oh, where to begin? The world is changing continually, and what began as an alternative voice of truth as opposed to the mainstream propaganda and lies, is morphing into a big business, large audience, popularity contest, where money and fame are sought. Invariably, this serves to weaken the honest message in favor of rhetoric, biased personal opinion, and in some instances, is meant for purposeful opposition to the truth, although this is not always the case. There is a fine line in intentionally working against a particular element of truth, and taking sides without clear thought. When one immediately takes sides without consideration of the big picture, the whole truth as it were, is lost, as is all credibility. What is spewed in this state of plotted or emotional opinion, is at once in favor of, whether intentional or not, the real evil. This is happening in a very dangerous situation today, in the so-called “war against Hamas” by Zionist-controlled Israel.
Other than a few sane voices who look at the total picture with consideration of the past 75 years of history, and beyond, most take sides in support of one or the other political faction, and disregard all the real victims of these atrocities being committed. These atrocities by any and every standard and measure, are obviously long-planned, coordinated, allowed to take place, and therefore intentional, in order to advance particular agendas. All attacks and murder of civilians, regardless of so-called sides, are heinous and beyond evil, but not getting to the truth of the matter before allowing feigned emotions or political leanings to interfere with reality, is unacceptable. With mainstream media and now the more mainstream fake ‘alternative’ media, one is presented immediately with sides, reminiscent of the idiocy of; “You are either with us or with the terrorists.” With or against is the mantra, which is so completely wrong from both perspectives. A much deeper look is required in order for sanity to survive.
This essay is not relegated to only the Israeli/Palestinian situation, as this phenomenon of irresponsible reporting, has consumed most all ‘news’ on most of the important issues, whether mainstream or alternative, for many years. But this particular situation reeks of plotted, unintelligent, uninformed, propagandized, and biased news from most every angle. Given the very heated emotions, and unbelievably dangerous implications of this madness, the risk of this bogus media reporting could easily drive this pre-meditated false flag attack to escalate into regional or world war, where an untold number of innocents, mostly civilians, would face horrible deaths.
Already, lines have been drawn, and the murder of innocent civilians is assured, while the perpetrators of this fraud, the governing factions involved, Israeli and Hamas, criminals in fact, sit back in safety, and send others to kill and maim the innocent, without regard for their own or any others. It is incredibly obvious that the Israeli government and Hamas, the same Hamas created and intentionally put into power by the Israeli government and Mossad, are working together, or at least the Israeli ruling class allowed and is using Hamas, in this effort to bring about a major war of maiming, killing, and final destruction of the once Palestinian State. Civilians on both sides are the targets, and the innocent victims are most Israeli and Palestinian citizens, who do not want this, nor did they participate in this planned attack. They are simply the pawns and fodder of these evil governing entities bent on slaughter and control. Never forget the torture and abuse levied against the Israeli citizenry during the fake ‘covid’ scam, and the massive brutality foisted on them by the Israeli government. They were never considered once, but abused beyond imagination, and forced to comply, rendering them to slavery, not completely different than the fate of the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians. The normal people, the civilians, are always the main casualty of war and tyranny.
From any studied or sane point of view, this attack by Hamas terrorists, was completely allowed, as evidence not only suggests, but solidifies. Israeli defenses, considered the best in the world, fully control the Gaza Strip, which is walled off completely, but pretended to have no clue as to what was happening, and did not respond for extended periods of time. This is impossible, unless it was a planned attack allowed to take place in order to cause mass death of innocent Israelis in order to bring about a wanted war. (When has this happened before?– 9/11) According to many Israeli military and ex-military, they know every movement 100% of the time. The attackers were allowed to breach the Israeli defense lines, and the results I posit, were exactly what the Israeli ruling class desired.
Some recent quotes might be of great value in understanding the motives of those who take sides without thought, or intentionally, and cause gross harm in the process.
Ron DeSantis: “Israel, with the full support of the United States, should kill Hamas members and extinguish their entire infrastructure.”
Nikki Haley: Urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “finish them” in an apparent reference to Hamas. “They should have hell to pay for what they’ve just done.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind. I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
Jordan Peterson: (Fraud and now close confidant to psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu) Tweeted to Netanyahu–“Give ’em hell. Enough is enough.”
There are literally hundreds of examples of politicians and media, including the alternative media, taking sides in this staged and plotted attack. All support should be for all the innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine, not for the nationalistic and murderous Israeli government or Hamas, its counterpart in Palestine.
This is not a war for the defense of Israel, it is a plot of mass murder of innocent men, women, and mostly children, who are held captive behind guarded walls in Gaza. Most all the talking heads have this entire situation wrong, and are helping in the effort to assist an evil ruling class in Israel to ‘finish off,’ and slaughter innocent people who have been abused for decades. The victims will only be the people of Palestine and the people of Israel. The Israel government and its supporting U.S. government and military, will use this opportunity for war and murder, and possibly will seek and instigate a new world war; all to murder an occupied population that has no military of any kind, while the average age of its resident is just 17 years old. It is a land of enslaved children.
The atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists are evil, and the premeditated and plotted response by the Israeli government is also evil, as they knew what was happening all along, and allowed the carnage. We are witnessing complete lies, propaganda, and long-planned agenda completion, all at the expense of the innocent on both sides. The war against the people in Gaza is a murderous war crime, just as was the attack of Israel by Hamas, so should all the innocent people of Israel and Palestine face even more terror; terror purposely allowed by the Israeli government, and used as a false flag terror event to set up genocide in Palestine?
The U.S. government and its military immediately took sides, and are in full support of more slaughter and murder in the Middle East. This atrocious U.S. government has an agenda as well, so beware the dire consequences of this intentionally manufactured war. Beware the connections being pursued by this country and Israel to implicate Russia and Iran, as that could lead to an apocalyptic conclusion. Remember, all wars are against the people, and indifferent populations will always be the victims of horror. Those in power, are not threatened, as they will always hide from the terror they bring about. Governments never lose in war, but you, all of you, will lose everything; your assets, your lives, and the lives of your family.
This is only about purposely creating war; nothing more. War is the health of the State, but never for the good of the people!
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.”
Benjamin Netanyahu–March 2019 as told to the Likud Party’s members of the Knesset
“False Flag operations by governments are the easiest and quickest way to persuade the population to sacrifice their own in order to achieve goals of the elite.”
~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr
Reference Links:
What’s really happening in Israel
Presidential candidate comments on Israeli attacks
Lindsey Graham comments on Hamas attack
Congress reactions to attacks–backing Israel and war
Israel knew of Hamas attack in advance