VacciNation Part 1: Have vaccines ever been effective?
If you look at the data, there appears to be no evidence supporting vaccines ever working
Recently, I wrote about vaccinations and the number of injuries being reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
The point of the piece was to point out the need to take on Big Pharma and not just focus on the experimental gene therapy covid bioweapon shots. Ultimately, we need to get focused on liberty and oppose always the fascist Big Government-Big Pharma collusion system America has become.
In my piece, I reported on the VAERS numbers showing that more children, aged 16 and younger, have been reported as dying by vaccines other than the covid bioweapons since December of 2020.
Yet, the only talk you’ll ever get from the alternative media and Conservative, Inc. is talk about the covid bioweapon shots. Listen, if you’ve read my writing for a while, you know I agree that it needs to be discussed.
But ultimately, we’re avoiding the deep-seated issue which is that we’ve been living under an authoritarian system for generations.
The reason alternative media and Conservative, Inc. will discuss the covid bioweapon shots is because they’re allowed to by the mainstream. And its only within a certain framework.
However, questioning vaccines generally has always been verboten for a long time. Prior to the covid scam, a full 78% of Americans supported authoritarianism in mandating all children be vaccinated with however many “The Science” told them to get.
Honestly, I bet the numbers are still the same today for vaccines in general sans the covid bioweapon shots. Afterall, I’ve not seen one move towards liberty by any governing body. I only see some politicians pandering when it relates solely to the covid bioweapon shots.
The closest I’ve seen was from Wyoming State Rep. Jeanette Ward (R-WY57) who attempted to get liberty through the Wyoming legislature this year. Ward actually defended liberty by attempting to ban jab mandates (masks as well) that included all vaccine mandates, not just for the covid bioweapon shots. I wrote about earlier this year:
And guess what, the bill needed to be watered down to be solely on the covid bioweapon shots, this declaring liberty only applies for this one narrow subset of shots, just to narrowly get out of committee. Even when watered down, when it hit the House floor it failed in Wyoming, a state considered the most Republican state in the nation.
I’ve come across a lot of information recently on vaccines in general, and over the course of the coming days I will be writing about how America has become a vaccine nation. Today, I’ll focus on what historical data shows on the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of vaccines. I’ll get to that below.
But before that, I want to reiterate something I wrote in my piece linked near the top. That is that the real issue is defending liberty. You can be the most ardent defender of vaccinations and still be for liberty, that is that you defend peoples right to make there own medical decisions and always oppose mandates.
Like Davy Crockett’s line that it’s “not yours to give” when it comes to spending tax dollars on “charity,” the healthcare and medical decisions of other individuals are not yours to make.
Prior to covid, I wouldn’t have called myself pro- or anti-vaccine. What I always was and continue to be is pro-liberty.
Let’s make it clear, if you support forcing others to inject themselves with something they don’t want to take, you are an authoritarian. That applies to all vaccines and medical treatments. If you oppose mandates for the covid bioweapon shots, great. But if you then support every other vaccine mandate, you’re just as much an authoritarian as the rest of them.
The government has no say on what medical decisions you make. In fact, it does not have a right to know what medical decisions you make. If someone ever asks you if you’ve been vaccinated, the proper response is “none of your damn business.”
“The truth is we are born sovereign, and to be sovereign is to have absolute authority over our own bodies. We are subject to the common law of the land which we break only when we harm others, damage their property, steal what is not ours or behave fraudulently in our dealings with others. Every other attempt by the state to interfere with our freedom to go about our lives unmolested is the stuff of statute, which is the legislation, acts and bills drawn up and passed by parliament. Legislation has power over us only if we consent to it. Rules and regulations defined by statute are said in dictionaries of law to acquire the force of law only, only when we grant our consent. A fact of consent of being sovereign is that if we withhold or withdraw our consent, that is the end of the matter. And deep down where the state and all its little wizards would prefer we would not look, the state knows this too. Over and over again, it’s been necessary to pull the state up by the scruff of its scrawny neck and remind it of the limits of its power, and to have it acknowledge instead the supreme power of the sovereign individual.”—Neil Oliver
No Historic Evidence for Effectiveness of Vaccines
“In my research, I was startled [to realize] that what I found was completely counter to what I have been told and taught my entire life. I now don’t believe that smallpox vaccines eradicated smallpox. I now don’t believe that polio vaccines eradicated polio.
The stories are very twisted, long, and complicated, and the vaccines have changed over time. It’s really easy to kind of throw up smokescreens here and there and make whatever argument one might want to, because people are so ignorant and because the story is so complicated.”—Dr. Suzanne Humphries
We’ve been sold for generations that it’s been unequivocally proven that vaccines have eradicated diseases, such as smallpox or polio. As such, we’ve been told to bow down to the false god, “The Science.”
Does the data show this? Well, not quite.
Recently, I found a book that’s more than a century old. The book, from 1889, is Vaccination: Proved Uselss & Dangerous—From Forty-Five Years of Registration Statistic by Dr. Alfred R. Wallace.
Wallace, as the title states, simply took a look at all available data regarding vaccinations to come up with a conclusion that the smallpox vaccine had nothing to do with eradicating smallpox.
Wallace wrote:
“Having been led to enquire for myself as to the effects of Vaccination in preventing or diminishing Small-pox, I have arrived at results as unexpected as they appear to me to be conclusive. The question is one which affects our personal liberty as well as the health and even the lives of thousands; it therefore becomes a duty to endeavor to make the truth known to all, and especially to those who, on the faith of false or misleading statements, have enforced the practice of vaccination by penal laws.”
Wallace came up with these four findings:
(1.)—That during the forty-five years of the Registration of deaths and their causes, Small-pox mortality has very slightly diminished, while an exceedingly severe Small-pox epidemic occurred within the last twelve years of the period.
(2.)—That there is no evidence to show that the slight decrease of Small-pox mortality is due to vaccination.
(3.)—That the severity of Small-pox as a disease has not been mitigated by vaccination.
(4.)—That several inoculable diseases have increased to an alarming extent coincidently with enforce vaccination.
When you start looking at vaccine after vaccine for disease after disease, there is no correlation to vaccines being introduced and the disease declining. In fact, often diseases were well on the decline long before a vaccine was introduced:
So, if there’s no evidence to support the effectiveness of vaccines, why the demand that we all submit? Well, money has a large part to do with it. That’s something we’ll get to in future pieces.
But, I’ll finish with data from the Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century by the Journal of American Academy of Pediatrics in December, 2020. The data showed that 90% of the declines in pertussis, diphtheria, measles and polio came without vaccines or antibiotics. The same goes for scarlet fever and typhoid.
Based on that report, stated:
“In the United States (and other countries), historical records show that disease mortality declined nearly 90% before the introduction of the vaccine program and routine vaccination programs — as stated in the Trends in the Health of Americans report.
In fact, some of the most prevalent diseases in the early 1900s — including Tuberculosis (TB), Scarlet Fever and Typhoid — followed the same declines WITHOUT ever having a vaccine program (in the US). These diseases were nearly eradicated in the U.S. without the population being vaccinated for them.
How is this possible? The pharmaceutical/medical industry has spent MILLIONS convincing us that vaccines saved us all from imminent disease death, but history proves this is more of a marketing tactic than a fact. A marketing tactic that helps ensure the nearly $60 BILLION vaccine market keeps growing.”
I have read literally hundreds of worthy articles about the fraudulent and dangerous Covid vaccines. Here and there some Substack writers do cover harms of other vaccines as well. Your research uncovers a broader list and general ineffectiveness of many of the vaccines babies and children especially are required to have as non-consenting sovereign individuals. As for Wyoming, it is not a Red state as you know. It is a land of deep fake. There were other entirely logical pieces of legislation that real men and women could have passed regarding off label, parental rights, and sex mutilation. Why are we still looking for minimum courage in the Cowboy state?
What are the odds they would ever truly look at their Pharma overlords and their toxic vaccine and medical agenda? Without this courage we have seen time and time again our legislature looks to the credentialed (and highly financially conflicted) professionals for direction.