VacciNation Part 2: Sacrificing kids for Big Pharma Profiteers
From SIDS to autism, the evidence of vaccine harm continues to be unaddressed
“Speaking out on the vaccine issue is very difficult, especially when you actively work in the medical field. One of the biggest things that made me realize I had to were all the sudden unexplained deaths in adults I was seeing once the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, and the fact that everyone that was supposed to prevent something like this from happening were instead burying their heads in the sand and pretending nothing was going on.
Once I realized the public was getting red-pilled about the COVID-19 vaccines causing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, I decided we’d reached a point where something else needed to be focused on—vaccines causing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome….
I feel the subject of SIDS is particularly important to speak out about because while babies are conscious and often make it abundantly clear they do not want to be vaccinated again if they previously had an adverse reaction to vaccination, very few people register the infants are trying to communicate this. I hence have some sympathy for the signs not being recognized in nonverbal infants (as that’s harder to spot), but it has always deeply bothered me when they are also ignored in young children who are forcefully restrained as they plead not to be vaccinated.”—A Midwestern Doctor
Note, the above statement is from a doctor using a moniker. Why the anonymity? Well, you’re just not allowed to question the safety and efficacy of vaccines in polite society.
The connection between vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), among other chronic diseases, is very strong. Strong enough to warrant serious inquiry and research into vaccines. But we’re not allowed. We’re told to submit. And yet, parents continue to sacrifice their children without question.
In Part 2 of this series, I’ll take a look on the effect vaccines have had on children for decades and decades. Part 1:
Before getting into the data, I want to share the story of Owen Matthew Stokes who was born Aug. 18, 2017 and died Oct. 25, 2017. He received 8 vaccines 48 hours before his death.
Jeanee Joubert, Owen’s mother, shared the story with
“We did everything right with Owen. He was only breastfed, or bottle-fed breast milk while I was at work. He slept alone in his bassinet right next to our bed, never slept with blankets, and was always on his back. We researched the products we used on him. Every day when my girls got home from school, I made them take a bath before they could be around their brother. Owen had zero breathing or respiratory issues. He had never been sick and had no existing health issues prior to receiving his vaccines.
Owen received multiple vaccines just 48 hours prior to his passing. He was given a combination of eight different vaccines, which is the norm for a two-month-old. The first day after his vaccines he was very tired and lethargic, didn’t seem himself. The second day, which is the day he passed away, he was in the care of his grandmother while I was at work. He would not take a bottle, and was inconsolable. He was tired, but couldn’t sleep because he was in such pain.
His grandmother thought that he was just having really bad gas. She finally got him down for a nap for the first time that day, sometime after 2 p.m., but Owen never woke up. She went to check on him about 30 minutes later and noticed he was blue, but he still felt warm to the touch. She called me while I was in the car on my way home from work. Owen’s father was also in the car with me and called 911. I tried my best to walk her through CPR because I work in the medical field and I am certified. I was about ten minutes away from home. By the time I got there, he was in the ambulance, but he did not make it. My little boy died and I wasn’t there.
The next time I got to hold Owen, he was lifeless in my arms. And he didn’t go peacefully in his sleep; he suffered. But yet we were told he died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). I did not know what had been going on with him that whole day or that he wouldn’t eat. His grandmother truly believed that his tummy was just hurting and he had gas that just needed to pass.
We did everything right for him, except vaccines. And it’s been so hard knowing we could do so many things to help other kids in our professions, but there was nothing we could do for Owen once the damage was done. We couldn’t save him. Every day is a struggle for us. Our girls keep us going every single day.”
Certainly, a heartbreaking and tragic story, but one among many. A search of SIDS at produced a lot of similar stories. Here’s just a handful of headlines:
Infant Dies 4 Days After 5 Vaccines and 14 Years Later Mother Speaks Out
Healthy Infant Dies In Sleep After Vaccines Yet His Death Is Ruled “SIDS”
6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant
Infant Dies 4 Days After 5 Vaccines and 14 Years Later Mother Speaks Out
Mom Asks Why Her 6 Month Old Infant Died After Getting 6 Vaccines
Healthy Infant Dies Of “SIDS” Within 48 Hours Of 8 Vaccines
Infant Dies Two Months After HepB Vaccine and Vitamin K Given at Birth
Philippine Infant Dies 4 Days After Being Injected With 7 Vaccines
Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines
A 2011 study looked at infant mortality among 34 nations. The United States of America came in last with 6.22 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. America requires the most vaccines, 26, for infants. Japan and Sweden, which respectively saw 2.79 and 2.75 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, administer less than half, 12, of the vaccines America requires.
“The United States spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country; yet 33 nations have better infant mortality rates. Some infant deaths attributed to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) may be due to over-vaccination.
Progress on reducing infant deaths should include monitoring immunization schedules and official causes of death (to determine if vaccine-related infant deaths are being reclassified). Infant mortality rates will remain high in developing nations that cannot provide clean water, proper nutrition, improved sanitation, and better access to health care.”
On the plethora of data, Steve Kirsch writes:
“If vaccines don’t cause SIDS, these data points are hard to explain away. And note that ‘they’ never show you their data points measuring the same thing that show an opposite result!!
Is vaccination the only cause of SIDS? No. I don’t claim that. I only claim if you delay or eliminate vaccination, SIDS rates go down.
Also, given that vaccination overall produces kids who are less healthy, arguing whether vaccines cause SIDS is academic. There are many other reasons to avoid vaccination entirely.”
Kirsch goes on to present data showing that SIDS deaths are most common shortly after a baby has been vaccinated. Included is this image:
Kirsch conducted a survey of parents of children who died, SIDS being the listed cause of death. He wrote:
“Here is my survey.
Here are the results. It is most interesting to read the Notes section written by the parents. I have the contact information for all the parents who responded. There was one gamed entry which I deleted.
I wish someone would replicate this survey, but nobody seems to be interested in doing that. They all want to tell me that my survey is bad, but nobody wants to show the CORRECT results. The lack of interest in doing the “correct” survey tells you everything you need to know, doesn’t it?
The results of my survey show the odds of getting SIDS a month before the shot vs. a month after a shot are 2:32 or 1:16.”
The correlations are quite strong. Grant it, I understand correlation does not equate to causation. But correlations like this should cause pause and a desire to study. Instead, you get coverups and censorship.
In the 1970s, Big Pharma company Wyeth Laboratories (owned by Pfizer since 2009) engaged in a coverup. Wyeth knew its DTP vaccine was causing a cluster of SIDS death in Tennessee. The solution, limit the number of vials of a single lot of vaccines sent to one state. That way, you can distribute the SIDS deaths across the country and reduce the chance that parents will associate their child’s death with the vaccine.
Regarding a 1982 study, Deep Roots at Home stated:
“A well-known scholarly study was done (1982). It shows the relationship between the pertussis vaccine and SIDS was already known by many in the scientific community. The pertussis vaccine/crib death correlation was quite clear! And…
…yet in the conclusion they said there was no causal relationship!”
The Big Pharma companies and American courts know that vaccines are causing damage, but “the pharmaceutical industry is not held accountable, and never has to admit what has actually been validated by science in court, that their vaccines had caused harm or death,” wrote Richard Enos.
Enos is referring to the creation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), thanks to Ronald Reagan and his buddy Anthony Fauci. He wrote about Kara Krause, a mother whose child died in 2008. Her child’s death was ruled as being caused by a DTP vaccine by the NVICP. She wanted justice and children to be protected in the future. Instead, she got a payout, paid for by taxpayers rather than Big Pharma. And her child’s death will never be recorded as caused by vaccines in the data.
In fact, taxpayers have shelled out about $5 billion over the last 25 years to victims of vaccines, according to Marc Girardot. But Big Pharma has immunity when it comes to vaccines. And its in part because the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Girardot wrote:
“In 1979, the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. redesigned the ICD coding list – International Classification of Diseases – and erased the possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination! You heard me. A coroner had no longer a clear code to input if he/she believed someone died of a vaccine. [vaccines are not therapeutic, they are prophylactic. And the poisoning carries legal implications which coroners probably would never venture into.] Have Big Brothers W.H.O. and CDC been ‘guiding’ coroners to mischaracterise vaccination deaths ? In any case, this suppression means that ‘Informed Consent’ has been corrupt for decades as the extent of vaccine harm necessarily was downplayed considerably.”
There are 130 categories a coroner is allowed to code a baby’s death. Vaccines are not one of them. Instead, we have SIDS which is likely more often than not a vaccine death.
Joy Fritz is a death certificate clerk in California. In 2018, she wrote to Vaccine Impact:
“I am sorry to say that death rates are NOT as simple nor as valid as every news broadcaster with perfectly-trained vocal delivery makes them sound, and they are absolutely not the infallible pillar of medical history as the CDC purports.
Our current system for capturing mortality rates can and does provide a mostly uninvestigated and inaccurate picture of what causes a death. The process for creating and registering causes of death for public records is a complicated, convoluted, politicized, completely open to both ignorance and the manipulations of personal, professional, and governmental interests.
I have come to realize how greatly this reality becomes a public health issue during this past flu season when every major media outlet is providing us with live updates on the accruing death toll. Seeing these reports caused me concern for my family.”
And yet, the Big Government-Big Pharma collusion continues to push poison. In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration approved of a six-in-one shot for kids known to have strong associations with SIDS.
The Autism Connection
Lewis Regenstein wrote in 2008:
“In recent years, there has been an explosion of neurological disorders among children, the most serious of which is the crippling syndrome knows as autism.
The dramatic increase in the incidence of autism has accompanied the more than tripling of the childhood vaccination schedule, and many parents have described how their perfectly normal, alert, intelligent, healthy infants suddenly regressed into an autistic state after receiving vaccination shots.”
Autism is a relatively recent phenomenon. Most of my schooling years was in the 1990s. I never heard about autism then. But according to CDC data, autism rates have rapidly jumped from 1 in 150 kids in 2000 to 1 in 36 by 2020. On the number of vaccines recommended for children, you can take a look at the CDCs lengthy list today and compare it to the 1980s.
There are a lot of things that are allowed to be considered, but not vaccines.
Currently, there’s a lawsuit against the makers of Tylenol by mothers claiming their children were diagnosed with autism at birth, and they took Tylenol when pregnant. (source)
Think about that for a second. The courts agree that there’s enough evidence that acetaminophen can cause autism, enough to allow a lawsuit to proceed. But we’re not allowed to consider a vaccine.
“Nobody on their side really wants to talk about this issue.
And that, my friends, tells you everything you need to know.”
Indeed, the fact that we’re not allowed to consider this does say a lot. I’d go further. For years, the CDC was trying to hide the fact that some vaccines contain mercury and thimerosal. The tune has changed to defending it and claiming it’s just small amounts, nothing to be worried about. Its just dishonesty layered by dishonesty.
Nobody is allowed to question it. Not even big-name Hollywood celebrities.
Robert De Niro said his son “changed overnight” after the MMR shot. He believes his son’s autism is the result of the vaccine. In 2017, De Niro joined Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in offering $100,000 for proof that vaccines are safe.
In 2016, De Niro was forced to remove a documentary exploring vaccine dangers from his film festival. Ultimately, De Niro was looking to just open up a discussion.
“According to one of the world’s most respected authorities on autism, all, or nearly all, of the world’s top 100 scientists in the autism field know that vaccines are the primary driver behind the autism crisis in America. They just aren’t allowed to talk about it in public. If they did that, they would lose their funding, their job, and be the subject of intimidation techniques from their peers. So they keep quiet and nobody knows what they really think.”
There are several large pediatric practices across the country, according to Kirsch, within areas with high autism rates. For 25 years, these specific practices have had no autism cases.
Fantastic, we have practices that we can study and learn what the best practices are. Wait, no we can’t. Why?
Kirsch writes:
“The reasons there are no studies examining these best practices include:
1. Almost nobody knows these practices exist and who they are. They keep a low profile. Otherwise, the health authorities would shut them down.
2. A common key strategy used in these practices is to avoid vaccination entirely and avoid the use of acetaminophen entirely. The drug companies would not allow a study like this to be published. The journal wouldn’t believe it either; it’s so counter narrative.
3. Another key strategy is if giving a vaccine (which no one should ever do), give them one at a time rather than multiple vaccines at once. If they admitted this, the CDC credibility would go way down.
4. Clinical outcomes simply don’t matter; what does matter is doing what you are told.
5. If it became known that the CDC, FDA, and NIH have been giving advice that have made Americans chronically ill for decades, it would tarnish their reputation and nobody would trust them in the future.”
It amazes me how the only area the “my body, my choice” line is applied is when it comes to women murdering their unborn babies. Their baby’s body is not their body. That line has absolutely no weight or meaning to abortion. But in the case of vaccine mandates, “my body, my choice” actually applies, but our society doesn’t accept it.
I don’t need any of this SIDS and autism data to advocate for liberty. Regardless of whatever data there is, the government has no right or authority to make any healthcare or medical decision for you. Nor does anyone not in government, for that matter.
But here we are, an authoritarian nation. All 50 states have vaccine mandates of some kind. All 50 states are authoritarian. And they’ve been authoritarian for my entire lifetime.
And to be honest, we should expect that ineffective and dangerous vaccines would be produced in a fascist Big Government-Big Pharma system. And it goes beyond SIDS and autism. There are so many injuries vaccines can cause, like debilitating seizures from MMR shots, according to Physicians for Informed Consent.
As long as we have an authoritarian system, there’s no reason anyone should trust the Medical Industrial Complex. There’s no accountability and no desire to study their products.
But even with all this data and this clear corruption in the system, parents continue to get their kids vaccinated without questions. Why do we submit children to this evil system?