To paraphrase the comedian Jeff Foxworthy, if you are a true Christian who reads the WHOLE Bible and doesn’t cherry-pick versus to fulfill a narrative, if you oppose an ongoing genocide, if you oppose your government stealing your money to send to a foreign country to continue said genocide, if you oppose your government stealing your money to send to a foreign countries period, if you oppose foreign nations have influence over your government and truly want to put America first, if you even mention the First Amendment to oppose certain legislation, you might be an antisemite.
That’s according to our always gracious overlords in the U.S. House of Representatives who were kind enough to tell us what we can, and cannot, say under the Antisemitism Awareness Act which passed last week by a 320-91 bipartisan vote. And as we know, if it’s bipartisan it must be for our own good.
Republicans were the big winners here. They had 187 “yes” votes among overlords who graciously want to tell us what to do. There were 21 “no” votes among the GOP. The Democrats had 133 “yes” and 70 “no.”
We are awaiting on the Senate to graciously tell us if they agree on what we can, and cannot, say. If they take too long, they might be antisemitic.
The working definition of what is antisemitism, according to this bill, is from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance which includes such transgressions as using stereotypes like Jews having oversized influence, basically being critical of the Zionist government of Israel, opposing your government putting Israel’s interests ahead of America’s, if you suggest that American Jews had dual loyalty and such as recognizing that Jews did in fact play a hand in killing Jesus Christ.
Of course, most Israelis aren’t even semitic. Most Palestinians are. Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t semitic. He’s actually of Spanish ancestry. Netanyahu is at the forefront of committing a genocide against a semitic population.
Now, one might call that antisemitic. But to do so, you would clearly be the antisemite. I know that “facts don’t care about your feeling,” right Ben Shapiro? But in this case, I’m sure he’d gladly state feelings don’t care about your facts.
Speaking of Shapiro, he was asked in 2022 if he’d ever felt he might need to flee America. He said that “every Jew throughout world history who has a brain and knows history has always wondered if a country that is not a Jewish state is going to eternally provide them security guarantees and full citizenship” has to consider fleeing that nation. But as long as the Zionist government of Israel exists, America “is going to be more welcoming place for me because Israel is there as a backstop in case anything should go wrong.”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. This clearly shows that Shapiro has dual loyalty, probably more loyalty with Israel. But don’t think that. You’d be antisemitic.
Theodor Herzl, an early architect of the modern Zionist State of Israel, effectively argued in his pamphlet The Jewish State that no Jew can be patriotic to any nation that is not a Jewish nation. Now, that sounds like you can’t be loyal to America if you abide by Zionism and are a Jew. But to state the obvious would be antisemitic.
How about good old Democrat Senator Chuckie Schumer of New York. He said that “as long as I live, for as long as I have the privilege of serving in the Senate from New York, I will unflinchingly, unstintingly and with all of my strength be Shomer Yisrael, a guardian of Israel.”
Again, I know what you’re thinking. That’s kind of strange, isn’t it? He’s a senator from New York but says his job is to be a “guardian” of a foreign nation. But don’t go there. You don’t want to be antisemitic, do you?
When Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was so proud that his first act as speaker was to steal our money to send to Israel, that didn’t really seem like he cared one bit about Americans. But don’t go there. You’d be antisemitic if you do.
GOP Sen. Lady Lindsey Graham was gushing recently when Netanyahu awarded him and said that “no one has done more for Israel.”
I know what you’re saying. Graham has never done anything for his constituents or the American people except steal their money to quench his bloodthirst as a supporter of every war humanly possible. But to say that would make you an antisemite.
I’ll note my own transgression of homophobia by suggesting Graham is a lady. Of course, he’s a real masculine fellow. And he doesn’t at all look like he has lustful eyes for Netanyahu in that video. But I do think homophobia has taken a backseat for now as we need to slay the very real threat of antisemitism right now.
Of course, when a congressman like Rep. Brian Mast (R-Florida) shows up to Congress wearing an Israeli uniform, you might be tempted to question his loyalty. Don’t because that would be antisemitic.
Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who calls himself a “civil libertarian,” sounded like he committed an act of antisemitism as he recognizes the oversized influence of Jews.
Dershowitz said:
“People say Jews are too powerful, we're too strong, we're too rich, we control the media, we have too much this, we have too much that. And we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don't do that. Don't do that. We have earned the right to influence public debate. We have earned the right to be heard.”
Now, this isn’t an act of antisemitism because he’s on their team. But if you suggest the same and aren’t willing to start “Hurt a Jew? We Sue You” organizations, like Dershowitz has, then you are an antisemite.
By the way, Dershowitz supports physically jabbing people with covid shots as a legitimate use of force. He said:
“You have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business.
If you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.
You have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease. Public health, the police power of the Constitution, gives the state the power to compel that. And there are cases in the United States Supreme Court.
That’s what a democracy is about. If the majority of the people agree and support that, for public health measures, you have to be vaccinated, you have to be vaccinated.”
So, since Jews “have earned the right to influence public debate,” it’s safe to say if you refuse the covid shot, even though it was experimental gene therapy and poison that’s killing millions, you’re likely antisemitic.
Sebastian Gorka, a foreigner who claims to believe in America first, suggests that the First Amendment is a “smokescreen” and the “modern form of antisemitism.”
So, be careful. I know the First Amendment says that “Congress shall make no law” controlling our speech and religion, and Congress just wrote a law doing just that. But don’t say that. Because then you’d be antisemitic.
Former Republican President Donald Trump said that “Israel literally owned Congress… rightfully.”
Of course, that doesn’t sound America first, stating that a foreign nation rightfully owned the American Congress. But it must be America first because Trump says so. And to think otherwise would be antisemitic.
I’ll contrast that with what Pat Buchanon, a former Republican presidential candidate, once said. He said:
“I said… in response to a question… the Congress of the United States is Israeli occupied territory. What I meant by that is, the most powerful lobby in Washington, which Congress can't stand up to, one of the most powerful is certainly the pro-Israeli lobby. It has gotten its way in this town year in and year out, and I don't think the automatic votes of the Congress of the United States for three and four billion dollars worth of aid to Israel are necessarily in the national interest of the United States. And that comment, which is to ridicule the subservience of the Congress of the United States, is perfectly valid.”
Now, that sounds America first, right? But don’t say that. To not take bribes from foreign nations to put their interests ahead of ours is antisemitic. At least if that foreign nation is the Zionist government of Israel.
And if you laugh at these jokes from Norm Macdonald, you’re probably antisemitic.
Look, feelings don’t care about your facts. So, don’t think for yourself. Our overlords in Congress can do all the thinking for us.