Israeli-Gaza Conflict: We’ve Got to Question the Narrative
Ask questions, think for yourself and never fall for the narrative
“Let me say the most controversial thing, that I hope will get the extremists on all sides extremely angry with me…. I stand with the Israeli people and I stand with the Palestinian people. I stand against the Israeli government. I stand against the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). I stand against the settlers and others who would literally cheer as they watch the bombs dropping on Gaza. I stand against any actual true Hamas terrorists who would gladly slit the throat of an Israeli child because they’re Israeli. I stand against the Canadian government, the Japanese government, the American government, the governments and the authorities that seek to rule over humanity. I stand with humanity, and if we don’t come at this from that perspective… I do not think we enter the realm of even having a moral conversation.”—James Corbett
I feel the same way and the point I tried to get across over the weekend:
Corbett made the above comment during an interview with Ryan Cristián for the Last American Vagabond (LAV). Warning, the audio is not great. Also, this YouTube video is likely to be deleted, as LAV runs a “pirate” YouTube stream. Here’s the link to the LAV website page with the interview.
Understanding the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict takes discernment and individuals willing to stay away from emotional arguments. There are serious questions that need to be asked, and they can only be asked if you drop the emotional rhetoric and are clear minded.
When you start looking at it and think for yourself and not bite on the narrative being sold to you by the mainstream media, both “left” and “right,” you start seeing that this is most likely not the “holy war,” mostly pushed by the neocon CONservative warmongering narrative media, but more like a geopolitical move to protect the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu and further the globalist goals. As Corbett put it, the civilians of both Israel and Palestine are being used as “chess pieces in a geopolitical power game” that serves to benefit the central planners.
This has the strong smell of a false flag operation. It could have been played out in many ways. It could have been Netanyahu knowing the Hamas attack would be launched and allowed it to happen, even ordering the IDF to stand down to allow it. It could have been jointly orchestrated between Netanyahu’s IDF and Hamas considering Israel (and America) created Hamas. It could be something else completely.
I’m not saying this happened or that happened, I’m saying questions need to be asked and considered before folks blindly call for a bloody war that will benefit the globalists and harm the rest of us. And this piece will give you plenty of reasons as to why this needs to be considered.
There have been Israeli officials calling the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 as their 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. Of course, this is meant to illicit support for war rather than the real comparison to those events, like FDR allowing Japan to attack Pearl Harbor to support American involvement in WWII or the signs of false flag from 9/11 to create the war on “terror” that profited the Military Industrial Complex and warmongers while creating a fearful public willing to give up their liberties, just like the covid operation.
“That’s what people should think about when these 9/11 comparisons emerge. Not ‘Oh well we need to consent to a bunch of military agendas and kill a bunch of people then,’ but ‘We need to be extremely skeptical about everything we’re being told, and begin pushing for peace as aggressively as we possibly can.’”
The Hamas attack is being described as an “intelligence failure” by the IDF, but was it?
Brian Shilhavy suggests it wasn’t as he reported on those from Hamas who were captured stating that they planned their invasion for over a year and were “shocked” that the IDF wasn’t waiting for them. Shilhavy wrote:
“This begs the question: Did the forces behind Benjamin Netanyahu actually work with Hamas terrorists to pull off this false flag attack for a greater purpose?
Netanyahu has publicly stated that this attack is Israel’s ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment.
Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack by the Japanese on American forces in Hawaii that was known ahead of time by President Roosevelt back in 1941. Roosevelt needed the support of the American public to enter World War II and unleash massive funding for the Pentagon and defense contractors, and the shock of seeing American citizens killed by Japanese Kamikaze pilots did the job.
Likewise, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, told “FOX & Friends Weekend” on Sunday that the recent attack on the Jewish state by Hamas terrorists is equivalent to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States 22 years ago. (Source.)
It is widely known, at least in the Alternative Media, that 911 was also a false flag attack to get the American public on board with the ‘War Against Islamic Terrorists’ and an excuse to pass the Patriot Act, which gave the U.S. Government massive powers to spy on its own citizens. The CIA orchestrated the entire event, by allowing American citizens to be killed by ‘terrorists’ for a greater purpose that enriched the Globalists….
The idea that Benjamin Netanyahu could have orchestrated a false flag operation using Hamas terrorists to kill Israelis is not so far fetched of an idea, when one considers that he is already guilty of mass murder due to the contract he made with Pfizer back in 2020, with the help of his fellow mass murderer and friend Donald Trump, that made Israeli citizens guinea pigs for Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’”
Indeed, Netanyahu is no friend of the people. He literally said that “Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer” for the experimental gene therapy covid bioweapon shot. He said Israelis were the perfect guinea pigs as “we have a database… 98% of our population has digitized medical records” as the authoritarian Israeli government has crafted an Orwellian society.
Of course, most would consider this unthinkable, unforgivable and unconscionable. But as Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer turned activist, told Judge Andrew Napolitano: “Yeah, unconscionable but it’s happened before.”
McGovern was referring to the Israeli military attack on an American ship, the USS Liberty, which is never discussed today as we cannot question our “special friend” in the Middle East.
Origins of Hamas
“We first, indirectly and directly through Israel, helped establish Hamas. Then we have an election where Hamas becomes dominant, then we have to kill them. It just doesn’t make sense. During the 80s, we were allied with Osama bin Laden and we were contending with the Soviets. It was at that time our CIA thought it was good if we radicalize the Muslim world. So we finance the Madrassas school to radicalize the Muslims in order to compete with the Soviets. There is too much blowback.”—Congressman Ron Paul on the House Floor in 2009
Talk like that gets you labeled many things from the central controllers. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to have many left like Paul who have the courage to speak the truth.
Hamas was created by us and Israel. Even Israeli officials admit it. Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious official, said: “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.”
Netanyahu has, privately in 2019, also commented on his support for Hamas in order to destroy Palestine. Brian McGlinchy wrote:
“‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ Netanyahu told Likud Party legislators. Doing so would help prevent the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) from ruling Gaza and giving Palestinians a relatively moderate, unified voice at the negotiating table. “This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
Israel’s reckless exploitation of Hamas is as old as the group itself. Indeed, decades before Netanyahu’s closed-door candor, the Israeli government pushed Hamas into its initial prominence, with direct and indirect financial support.”
Let’s take that the Hamas attack is not a false flag. Well, then the attack was the blowback for Israel’s fostering of such a climate of war. Tim Brown wrote for Sons of Liberty:
“Israel is now wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage, and why? Because a group that Israel created is allegedly attacking and killing its citizens? While I have no doubt there are people being killed, the media is telling us that this is completely unprovoked, and that is just not true. Both sides have some blame to take, but Israel is not innocent in all of this and we’ll talk about that in this episode.”
And we need to understand that our government is absolutely as guilty of doing the same. Most of the extremist groups have organized, or been created by our government, because of America’s arrogant foreign policy of meddling in the affairs of others. The 9/11 hijackers, recruited by the CIA according to court documents. Osama Bin Laden, how about actually CIA asset Tim Osman?
“Most people, including journalists on both sides of the aisle – mainstream and non-mainstream — seem to believe that this a one-off war, a surprise attack by Hamas, the ‘defenders’ of Palestine.
It is not.
Connecting a few dots over the past 70 years may help better understand what is going on in the Middle East, Israel-Palestine – and around the world. How the bloody Israel-Palestine conflict fits into the Big Picture.
What if Hamas has been created either by Israel directly, or rather by the US-UK-Israel Secret Services for the ‘benefit’ of Israel, for precisely the reason they (Hamas) are used today: to justify Israel’s all-out war for wiping out Palestine, for extending her territory, absorbing over time about as much as a third or half of the current Middle East – into Greater Israel?
For the wellbeing of the ‘Chosen People’?
Hamas has no chance in heaven to win this war. It is David against Goliath. Except in this case, David is Hamas and Goliath is Israel. Both Hamas and Israel know it.”
The Warning
“As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.
[Did Netanyahu have foreknowledge] about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map… in retaliation?”—Philip Giraldi
Did you know that Egypt warned Israel of the attack at least days before it, if not over a week before it?
Maybe not because the mainstream narrative media took Israel’s word that it didn’t happen. The New York Post and Times of Israel both regurgitated the talking points, but it has since been confirmed. The media then buries the story so that you don’t focus on an important piece of information and so you don’t question the narrative.
So, Egypt knew but Israel didn’t? America didn’t know either?
Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine intelligence officer, said:
“As the scope and scale of the Hamas surprise attack on Israel becomes clearer, one question emerges more than any other from the detritus of the battlefield: How did such a massive, complex undertaking escape the notice of Israel’s vaunted intelligence service?
An equally important question is why wasn’t this attack detected by the U.S. intelligence community as well, given the massive expenditures made in countering terrorism since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. homeland of September 11, 2001?”
Also, take note of Netanyahu’s calmness, and even cracking a smile when declaring war after the attack, as pointed out by a body language expert.
The Attack and No Response
“Every year Israel receives billions of dollars in US military aid and they recently installed a new ‘David’s Sling’ interceptor to supplement several other already active and high tech defense systems – Iron Dome, David Sling, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3.
No expense was spared installing the latest and greatest military hardware in their skies. And yet we are expected to believe that these high tech defense systems could not protect against …. motorized para-gliders?
Israel also upgraded and bolstered their border wall with advanced technologies and censors, calling it the Iron Wall. The Israelis have the most advanced and invasive surveillance system in the world, there are censors literally everywhere, even deep in the ground so the Palestinians can’t build tunnels. The Israelis literally boasted that a cockroach cannot get across the border without the military knowing.
Now we know that despite their denials, Netanyahu and Israel were aware of the attack before it happened.
The Times of Israel, Associated Press and Al-Jazeera are reporting that Egypt warned Israel of a major attack coming from Gaza 10 days before the events on the weekend, but Israeli officials ignored it.
Is this another globalist psy-op?
According to a former Israeli intelligence agent, the Hamas attack does not make any sense and the bears all the hallmarks of planned operation.”—The People’s Voice
The former IDF intelligence officer noted above is Efrat Fenigson. She previously worked on the fence. She can’t believe the lack of response from Israel.
In the video, Fenigson described how IDF members were conveniently placed in new locations leaving open vulnerable locations at the fence. She noted that the IDF is controlling the narrative of the media. She described the IDF as the most high-tech, highly trained military in the world. She noted the odd timing of the attack being almost exactly 50 years to the day of the Yom Kippur War, known as the biggest failure in Israel’s history. Coincidence? And Hamas was preparing for a year. She said:
“This raises serious questions for me, anyway, about Israeli intelligence. What happened?”
Fenigson noted that there is and has been a huge divide in Israel over the government’s covid authoritarianism, abolishing cash, climate change lies and now a large number questioning the government’s response to this. Her main point is war is hell for the civilians while the rulers get richer and take more power. Both the Israelis and Palestinians were sold to the “powers that be.” She said:
“I don’t care about having a popular opinion. I care about exposing evil forces wherever and whomever they are. So, to me, this surprise attack seems like a planned operation on all fronts.”
In an interview, Fenigson expounded on it saying there was no IDF or police response for hours which is unthinkable. When she worked on the fence, she said simply a cat or pig moving near the fence triggered an immediate response from the IDF. With the attack, there were at least 15 breaches which “is completely ridiculous because normally with just one breach of the fence the whole army is triggered and things start moving, immediately. Immediately, things start moving, and here there was nothing for hours.”
A former IDF commander in the Kerem Shalom Battalion wrote:
“Something here doesn’t add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can’t find an answer to.
I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafih), I was in charge of the Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.
The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:
Set alerts according to 3 levels of pressure. She must alert when she is cut. There are 24/7 forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence. Every day do at least one penetration practice. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it. The female observers are champions in identification. They don’t miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle – day and night.
At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.
Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night. Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.
Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.
There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.
So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?
How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?
How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?
How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?
How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?
How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?
How is it that one bullet was not fired?
How did all this happen under our noses?
Where did an entire division go?
Where did 3 brigades go?
Who swallowed 9 battalions?
What happened to 36 companies?
Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?
Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?
Where did thousands of soldiers go???
Someone here needs to provide explanations!!”
Large numbers of Israelis are asking the questions? The narrative media, they’re ignoring them.
It should be known that Israel has a massive surveillance state over both the Israelis and Palestinians. From The Guardian:
“If it is surprising it is because Israel’s surveillance of Palestinian society is both highly sophisticated and highly invasive, with monitoring of Hamas’s activity in particular one of the most important tasks for the security establishment.
As whistleblowers from the Israeli defence forces cyberwarfare 8200 Unit revealed to the Guardian and other media in 2014, the net for developing sources is almost all-encompassing in their task to identify potential informers in the occupied Palestinian territories.
They were told to seek individuals with financial and health problems, those vulnerable because of sexual impropriety, efforts duplicated in entry and exit interviews for those Palestinians allowed to leave the coastal strip.
Members of militant groups inside Israeli prisons have also historically been targeted for intelligence efforts, all of which makes Israel’s being unsighted on the planned Hamas attack all the more surprising.
Israel’s surveillance technology industry, as evidenced by the Pegasus spyware scandal, is among the most advanced in the world. Despite all of this, Hamas’s preparations were missed.”
And think about this, Israel released an ad boasting about its new “kamikaze” drones that can enter homes and detect if there are Palestinians. The name of the drone is Lanius, which is Latin for “butcher.” And yes, the ad says the drones can make the decision to kill on its own.
Jimmy Dore read a tweet regarding it:
“Does anyone else suspect that one reason why no solution to Palestine has ever been found is that it provides endless opportunities for the army and manufacturers to test their kit and tactics?”
On the Hamas attack itself, Michel Chossudovsky wrote:
“Netanyahu’s war on the People of Palestine is a ‘copy and paste’ of ‘Operation Northwoods.’
While the implementation of Operation Northwoods was shelved, its fundamental (diabolical) premise of using civilian deaths (described by the Pentagon as a ‘massive casualty producing event’) as a justification for military intervention (“on humanitarian grounds”) remains of utmost relevance.”
As Chossudovsky shows, Operation Northwood was a documented operation that the Pentagon was trying to stage an event to kill Americans to start a war with Cuba. Luckily, JFK and Robert McNamara didn’t bite.
The Timing
Let’s just take a look at what happened before the Oct. 7 attack. The U.S. military reported it ramped up production of ammunition, then a “surprise” attack occurs on Israel. What a coincidence, right?
There are many “coincidences” and events of odd timing surrounding this. Let’s start with what’s happening in Israel and Palestine leading up to the attack.
Netanyahu is not liked by Israelis. In March, over 500,000 Israelis marched in the streets demanding he be removed after laws were passed to shield him from legal problems as he is one of the most corrupt “leaders” in the world. In July, Israeli reservists pledged not to fight for Netanyahu.
“Leaders” like to be wartime “leaders.” It tends to lead to support. In this case, the Israelis may be wiser than the warmongers here in America. A poll found that 86% of Israelis believe the attack was their government’s fault.
Let’s look at the days leading up to the attack in which Netanyahu presented a map in which he promised to wipe out Palestine. Pepe Escobar wrote:
“Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was meticulously planned. The launch date was conditioned by two triggering factors.
First was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flaunting his 'New Middle East' map at the UN General Assembly in September, in which he completely erased Palestine and made a mockery of every single UN resolution on the subject.
Second are the serial provocations at the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, including the straw that broke the camel’s back: two days before Al-Aqsa Flood, on 5 October, at least 800 Israeli settlers launched an assault around the mosque, beating pilgrims, destroying Palestinian shops, all under the observation of Israeli security forces.
Everyone with a functioning brain knows Al-Aqsa is a definitive red line, not just for Palestinians, but for the entire Arab and Muslim worlds.
It gets worse. The Israelis have now invoked the rhetoric of a ‘Pearl Harbor.’ This is as threatening as it gets. The original Pearl Harbor was the American excuse to enter a world war and nuke Japan, and this ‘Pearl Harbor’ may be Tel Aviv’s justification to launch a Gaza genocide.”
In recent weeks, there’s been a strong push for censorship of “antisemitic” speech. The once hated by “conservatives” ADL censor Jonathan Greenblatt, who is now loved by the likes of Ben Shapiro, was hectoring for censorship as well as Netanyahu coming to our country to demand we be censored. Of course, their definition of “antisemitism” is anyone who criticizes the Israeli government. Real antisemitism, that being hating people for being Jewish, is of course wrong. Criticizing the Israeli government is not. Regardless, both are protected speech.
Oh, and the Biden regime was opening up travel for Israelis to travel to America without visas in late September? Preparing for a large number of Israelis to come to America in a few weeks, maybe?
What else has been going on here in America leading up to the attack?
Of course, we have the Speaker of the House theater. This certainly will serve as a good tool to make sure the Congress gets someone in quickly, and whoever is selected will have their marching orders from the globalists.
Speaking of that circus, the warmongers were apoplectic that the theatrics in Congress might lead to less of our money going to fund Nazis in Ukraine. A $24 billion “aid” package failed and even constant Ukraine sycophants have become warry of funding Ukraine.
Speaking of Ukraine, it’s also telling to see that now “conservatives,” who seemed to be wising up at least a bit to the Military Industrial Complex, are suddenly back on board with war. Of course, “conservatives” have long listened to multi-millionaire megachurch pastors, like virulent pro-Zionist John Hagee, telling them it’s their Christian duty to support whatever Israel does. That’s why blood thirsty, neocon, warmongering chickenhawks like Lindsey Graham are meeting with “faith leaders” to foment a “holy war.” The “conservatives” were wising up to Graham, but now they’re on board because they must obey Israel.
Seriously, it’s ok to have been wrong conservatives. But I have a question here. Are you going to fight a “holy war” with Lady Lindsey Graham? Are you sure this closeted freak is on your team? And those megachurch pastors, these are the same hacks that locked their churches down over an alleged cold virus and told you to submit to the poison shot. Are you sure you should listen to them on anything?
Brandon Smith suggests this may be “Plan C” for the globalist push for WWIII. Smith wrote:
“The timing of the conflict in Israel is incredibly beneficial to globalists, and this might explain Israel’s bizarre intel failure. Just as US and British leaders had prior knowledge of a potential Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 but warned no one because they WANTED to compel Americans to fight in WWII, the Palestinian incursion serves a similar purpose.
The covid pandemic and mandates failed to get the desired result of a global medical tyranny. The war in Ukraine failed to get desired results as the warhawks’ demands for boots on the ground against Russia fell apart. Perhaps this is just Plan C?
The establishment seems particularly obsessed with convincing US conservatives and patriots to participate in the chaos; there are a number of Neo-cons and even a few supposed liberty media personalities calling for Americans to answer the call of blood in Israel. Some have described the coming conflagration as ‘the war to end all wars.’
I believe that the real war is yet to truly start, and that is the war to erase the globalists from existence. They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them. It’s a predictable strategy, but its success is doubtful. Another interesting fact about the Bronze Age Collapse – The elites were some of the first groups to be wiped out after the system broke down.”
I have a few disagreements, but I think Smith is heading in the right direction with his thought process.
Dore, speaking to LAV, noted this attack seems to be breaking up the antiwar coalition that was building here in America with regards to Russia-Ukraine. And it wouldn’t be shocking if the CIA was involved. Dore said:
“If you can think it, the CIA has a plan for it already. That’s been proven time and time again.”
Also, Edward Dowd suggested this could be a coverup for the poison covid bioweapon shots as it distracts from the latest info on that. I tend to disagree because there’s so much out there on it that everyone should already know it’s deadly poison, yet nobody calls for justice. However, it’s worth considering.
Additionally, Israel had YouTube ads up almost immediately after the attack to propagate war. They’re even targeting children with ads regurgitating a story that has since been debunked:
Speaking of that, let’s turn to:
Propaganda All Around
That’s a U.S. military ad admitting how they are constantly engaging in mind control of the people. It’s sickening.
Beware of all of the stories being pushed by the narrative media. Many of these stories continue to be pushed even after being proven fake.
There have been AI generated photos, videos and stories already found much like what was created for Ukraine. Shapiro has been caught using fake, AI images.
The 40 beheaded babies, completely made up by a reporter on the spot. Alan MacLeod wrote:
“The story looked even more like a piece of cheap propaganda after it was revealed that the key source for the claim was Israeli soldier David Ben Zion, an extremist settler who had incited race riots against Palestinians earlier this year, describing them as ‘animals’ with no heart who needs to be ‘wiped out.’”
That story still has legs. No evidence of women being raped. Even the concert, there’s not been evidence of the death toll being reported. In fact, there are Israelis who were captured by Hamas who said they were treated well:
Look, I think there are atrocities occurring. Both sides are guilty. But when atrocities are made up, it’s propaganda for an agenda. Charles Burris wrote:
“Propaganda is not about truth but about creating a desired stimulus and response.”
It harkens back to basically every war since WWI which our government has constantly lied about to get us into. Corbett provides a wealth of information of lies from practically every war since WWI. In particular is the story of Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ who spoke to Congress about babies in incubators being killed in Iraq to support the first Gulf War.
The problem, an absolute lie that certainly every member of Congress knew yet allowed it to gain public support. Corbett wrote:
“‘Nayirah’ was not some anonymous Kuwaiti girl, but, as a subsequent CBC investigation discovered, she was Nayirah Al-Sabah, daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States. Her testimony had been written for her by Hill & Knowlton, a PR agency hired by the Kuwaiti government-supported astroturf organization, the ‘Citizens For A Free Kuwait,’ to help sell the Gulf War. And the ‘Congressional Human Rights Caucus’ that held the hearing where Nayirah gave her testimony? It was later found to be a Hill & Knowlton front itself.”
Speaking of the Gulf War, here’s CNN in front of the green screen:
It appears the same type of orchestration continues today for CNN:
I’ll note, the audio at the beginning of the above video was a parody. That didn’t happen. But watch the rest of it. It looks very staged.
Heck, CNN reporters will go so far to sell wars like sniffing backpacks to detect if there are deadly chemicals doused on them:
You can’t make that up.
Then there’s the rhetorical propaganda like Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett going ape over being asked about how the IDF will try to avoid killing civilians and targeting just Hamas. He goes on to call Hamas Nazis for targeting civilians. Of note, Israel is also targeting civilians and its ironic since Israel supports the Nazis in Ukraine.
“There are quite literally hundreds of completely unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are being made about the conduct of Palestinian fighters at this time. While there is certainly a wealth of evidence to support the claim that numerous unarmed Israelis were shot dead, there is no truth to these ridiculous allegations of gruesome mutilations and the other unspeakable warcrimes alleged, which were covered above. In this media landscape, where Western media and leaders are repeating the above debunked information, it is expected that the majority of the public will not follow up on the stories and simply accept them as fact, especially when they come from trusted sources. This is why it is so important for us to push back and provide the context to what is really going on and consider all possibilities. The Israeli disinformation campaign is aimed at justifying the horrifying massacres being inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, where over 1,300 have already been killed, around half of which have been women and children. In 2022, I worked on a piece which debunked Israeli claims — which were also repeated across Western media and by the US representative to the United Nations — that Palestinian rockets had killed most of the children that died in last years onslaught against Gaza. This is a tactic that is routinely used by Israel, to make itself the victim and justify its clear targeting of women and children through its airstrike campaigns.”
Cui Bono
“The difficult question is why would the Palestinians bring on their own destruction by attacking Israel when Hamas has no prospect of defeating Israel? Again, we can only speculate. It could be an Israeli operation from start to finish. Israel infiltrates Hamas, just as the FBI infiltrates Trump supporters and patriotic groups now called domestic terrorists. The Israeli agents play up Israel’s abuse of the Palestinians. Netanyahu helps them along by blowing up the sacred Mosque. The agents come up with an attack plan made possible with weapons from Iran and devices from Iran to jam Israeli security. They go about this carefully, relying on the decades of anger and hurt and the prospect of release from impotence to crowd out Hamas’ reason.”—Paul Craig Roberts
I certainly see no benefit for the Palestinians in this. Roberts did write an update suggesting there may be a benefit based on Russia’s response to the attack. I still think his first piece is more accurate, but take a look at the update and think for yourself.
So, who benefits? Well, the Military Industrial Complex and the neocon war hawks that love to send American sons and daughters to fight every war possible while they sit safely at home, of course. Let’s take a look at war stocks since the attack:
That’s from Shilhavy and Vaccine Impact who noted the neocons like Graham, Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley are salivating for war. He writes:
“Investing in War is what has primarily kept the the U.S. economy limping along since the funding dried up for COVID, and that began with the Ukraine war in 2022.
As is well-known, however, the U.S. Government and their military contractors don’t keep track of the weapons they supply to warring countries, and they often end up all around the world in the hands of terrorists.
CBS got in trouble when they reported that only 30% of U.S. military aid ever made it to the front lines in Ukraine for a documentary they were producing.
And now there are reports that the Hamas terrorists used American-made weapons to kill Israelis.
Meanwhile, the slaughter of Palestinian people in Gaza continues, as all civil services including electricity, fuel and water have been cut off.”
“Just as bad is the fact that much of what we call ‘foreign aid’ is actually welfare for the wealthy here at home. The aid package to Israel is a very good example. According to the agreement, this $38 billion will all go to US weapons manufacturers. So the real beneficiaries are not the American people and not even Israeli citizens. The real beneficiaries are the US military-industrial complex. Perhaps the money won’t even leave Washington – it may simply go across town, from the Fed to the Beltway bomb-makers.”
“Ignore what the mainstream media and ‘prophecy watchers’ have to say. When you look at what’s really happening, and the economics of it all, it makes the war profiteers and military industrial complex even richer, and will most likely force the prices of commodities up again. Israel was already on the literal brink of civil war, and then this happens. I have no idea of this was planned ‘years in advance,’ but it certainly was planned, and there is always more to the story than we are allowed to know.”
“The Iron Dome was NOT working. Why? Despite the months long planning by Hamas, not one intel agency picked up any bites. NONE. Why? Buildings in Israel are on video being demolished from the ground up. And the Palestinians are being executed – as calls for them to be wiped off the face of the earth arise among ‘liberal and conservative’ voices.
The media is using the violence to call for a nuclear attack on Iran. WWIII will dissolve the $34 Trillion US debt, and the $307 Trillion of global debt so the Cabal can create a New World. Because they royally screwed up the Old World. Cities will be wiped. Millions of people will die. And at the end – earth will be reimagined according to the likes of the perfectly perfect – Pierre Omidyar, chosen to carry on the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros agenda.”
Responsible Statecraft reports:
“A 2021 report by the Government Accountability Office found that 1,700 senior government officials had taken positions in the arms industry over a five year period, an average of well over 300 per year. And a new report from our organization, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, found that this practice is particularly pronounced among top generals and admirals. In the past five years, over 80% of retired four-star generals and admirals (26 of 32) went on to work in the arms sector as board members, advisers, lobbyists, or consultants.”
“The United States has been at war for all but 15 years in its 247-year history.
Since 9/11, we’ve spent more than $8 trillion to wage wars abroad, including the lifetime price of health care for disabled veterans and interest on the national debt.
The average American pays over $2300 a year in taxes to support the military, half of which goes to military contractors.
Even with America’s military might spread thin, the war drums continue to sound as the Pentagon polices the rest of the world with counterterror activities in 85 countries.
The American Empire—with its endless wars waged by U.S. military servicepeople who have been reduced to little more than guns for hire: outsourced, stretched too thin, and deployed to far-flung places to police the globe—is approaching a breaking point.
Aided and abetted by the U.S government, the American military-industrial complex has erected an empire unsurpassed in history in its breadth and scope, one dedicated to conducting perpetual warfare throughout the earth.
Although the U.S. constitutes barely 5% of the world's population, America boasts almost 40% of the world's total military expenditure, spending more on the military than the next 10 biggest spending nations combined.
Unfortunately, this level of war-mongering doesn’t come cheap to the taxpayers who are forced to foot the bill.”
Neocons like Josh Hawley, who said he’d die for Israel, might have their dreams come true to go to war with Iran, even though Israel admits there’s no proof of Iran’s involvement.
Greggory Mannarino believe this is a false flag to start war with Iran and Russia:
War’s a racket, it’s the health of the state.
And our government as well as Israel’s and practically every government of the West creates the chaos and the extremist groups to fuel the Military Industrial Complex. Why do we lie to go to war with Iraq while continue to fund the Saudi’s who were actually connected to 9/11? Why did Israel fund Syrian rebels?
They need the chaos to maintain their power and control over us.
“If the safety, security, and property of Americans were actually a priority of American policymakers, Washington would be working to make Mike Pence's worst nightmare come true: getting the US out of the Middle East.”
What comes next?
“This war could spiral into something much bigger, and fast. Involving many more people and other countries. The EXTREME dangers are obvious.
And major corporations are going to war, for ‘causes and ideals’ but most importantly for profit, because multiple money-making war machines are humming.
Corporate entities are ‘doing battle,’ and they’re all getting richer during the horror and the slaughter.
War-machine government/corporations do battle to protect other corporations as well.”—Jon Rappoport
This just adds to the vibes of WWIII that have been ongoing since Russia-Ukraine started. This just adds a new front to it as Biden is seeking $100 billion for both Ukraine and Israel. We’re already seeing American movements toward involvement.
Of course, the lying witch Janet Yellen tells us we can afford two wars. First, we’re in far more wars than we even know. Second, no we can’t afford it. We’re $34 trillion in debt.
“So what comes next in this current war, which is undoubtedly the beginning of World War III?
I have no idea, since I do not sit in the council of the Globalists. But I think there is a very high chance that there are going to be more false flag attacks where even more blood will be shed, all with a specific purpose to achieve a goal for these Globalists as their financial institutions crumble.
It is no secret that the U.S. is losing its control over the world’s massive oil reserves, as more petroleum-rich countries, such as Iran, the Arab Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Syria, and others, are all looking to Russia and China and the other BRICS nations to help them fight back against the U.S. and their control over the world’s finances through the U.S. dollar (the ‘petro-dollar’) as the world’s reserve currency.
So this could very well be a last ditch effort of the superpowers in the West, controlled by very rich ‘Jewish’ families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, to bring about war in the Middle East and severely limit these countries’ ability to export oil.
For those who have eyes to see and the ability to research outside of the main media propaganda, this has been the primary reason for the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Syria and their military operations there for the past many years which bring huge profits to the defense contractors on Wall Street and Silicon Valley.
Sadly, I fully expect in the days ahead that there may be massive deaths among Americans, perhaps among our military members now rushing to Israel to ‘stand for Israel.’
Once Americans see the blood of other Americans flowing, along with dead, mutilated corpses, either through virtual reality created events, or actual film footage, then almost anything is possible, as the vast majority of Americans will then support whatever our Government proposes, as so many did when they were told that COVID was a “deadly virus” and willingly complied with all the Government edicts, including rushing out to get injected with a bioweapon experimental shot.
The purpose of this article is to prepare you for such a false flag event, and to NOT rush to a prejudicial judgment that condemns innocent citizens of other countries or religions, but understand that there are other sides to the narrative, and that the most likely culprits are among our own government’s secret agencies and their weapons of war.”
Mannarino also suggests more false flags are coming on our soil. And the media is preparing us pushing fear of terrorists. If something goes off here, don’t blindly buy the talking points. It very well might be our own government.
Worse off, we may see the nuclear conflict kick off. We literally have neocon hacks like Shapiro and Mark Levin screeching for nuclear annihilation. Keep in mind, both have criticized conservatives for not supporting Ukraine.
Fight for Peace
“As this conflict evolves, we are going to see images on our television screens that are going to absolutely shock all of us.
So many people are going to die, and our world will be permanently changed by the horrors that we will soon witness.”—Michael Snyder
War is hell. It should never be taken lightly. Yet, lightly war is taken in the West. I am not a pacifist, but I am anti-war. War must always serve a national interest for us, and it should be only done after a declaration of war. Furthermore, I will only support a war in defense or for justice after we’ve been attacked. No war fought by America has been justified or constitutional in any of our lifetimes.
This piece should serve to show you that there are no good actors within the governments and the controlling classes. Israel’s government is not our friend. That does not mean Hamas was justified. With that said, it may have been Israel’s government itself who orchestrated it.
Regardless, this is not our fight. We need to call for peace. Both Hamas and Israel’s government have committed atrocities, and the civilians on both sides are bearing the high price of the madmen who claim to rule over them.
“Powerful Muslim states who are friendly to Israel, such as Turkey and Egypt, must be allowed to step in and play a negotiating role here. Stop reacting. And stop posturing like a bunch of little girls on TikTok. Pull the brakes before it’s too late.
I know calling your congressmen feels like pissing in the wind. But do what you can to make your voice heard and call for cease-fire and talks as soon as possible.
Ultimately the Palestinians must have independence or citizenship. Otherwise, as Ariel Sharon’s man, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said, they’re left with an untenable apartheid state.
And the United States should stop sharing in the responsibility for this shame immediately by ending all aid and military support for the occupation—and for that matter in all cases, everywhere.”
Whatever it takes to stop the bloodshed of innocents, we should seek those options. That requires us to reject the warmongering rhetoric. It requires us to stop supporting the warmongers in media, even if you view them as on “your side.” We must avoid emotionalism and think for ourselves.
Like Gerald Celente, I’m a warrior for the Prince of Peace. Don’t fall into the bloodlust. Fight for peace.
What is war good for? In the words of Edwin Stars, “absolutely nothing” for you and me.
So much information to take in. Too much.
There are two things that to me seem to rise to the top regarding the current Israel/Hamastan fight to the finish:
1) The destabilizing impact of how Israel was forced to comply with Obama/Kerry policies - temporarily halted by Trump - and then reimplemented with Obiden's 3rd term, which resulted in situational blindness and unwarranted trust.
2) Oslo (two state, land for peace) was a 30 year note, which has come due. The can was kicked down the road.
The real tragedy of the Palestinian "people group" is that nobody wants them. The surrounding Muslim nations, where they originally
migrated from (primarily Syria), don't want them back. Israel is the historical, indisputable home of the Jews. Israel did not, in their 1948 war for independence, force the Arab population to leave - that was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Israel won that, and the subsequent wars. The victor has the right to decide who can and can't live in their land - that is until the UN meddles and dictates. And uses the hundreds of millions of dollars provided by America and other "wealthy nations" to create and maintain perpetual refugee camps/cities - resulting in a cauldron of misery, hatred, and violence, that they blame Israel for.